• Black & White photo of orchestra, vocal soloists, and chorus on stage at Schermerhorn Symphony Center, with NPO logo superimposed

    Mahler's Symphony No. 2

    Save the dates for the final concerts of the 2024-25 Season, May 6 and May 11, featuring Gustav Mahler’s monumental Symphony No. 2 “Resurrection”!

  • Become a Friend of the NPO

    Our work to provide quality performances for all Nashvillians is only possible through our generous community of supporters. Make a Year End donation today become a Friend of the NPO!

  • Who is the NPO?

    Learn more about the musicians and artistic leaders of your favorite volunteer community orchestra!

Room to Play

For two decades a group of amateur and professional musicians volunteer their time to gather weekly to rehearse music that is challenging, new, and diverse. Their dedication and performance is of the highest quality. 

Whether they've played it every day since they first started as a child, picked it up as an adult, or took a thirty-year break in between, Room to Play investigates how a group with such talent and purpose came and stayed together. Going behind the scenes, the musicians and staff share stories of how the Nashville Philharmonic Orchestra has been a catalyst for so many friendships, families, and new fans of symphonic music.

NOW STREAMING on RoomToPlayFilm.com

Who We Are

The Nashville Philharmonic Orchestra is an all-volunteer community orchestra featuring amateur and professional players from throughout Middle Tennessee. Our mission is to offer area orchestral musicians opportunities to perform while providing high-quality symphonic music free of charge to a wide variety of audiences.

Community Engagement

Ensuring that high-quality performances are accessible to everyone is the heart of Nashville Philharmonic. See the many ways in which we are involved in making music across Nashville and building community in the process.


Contact Us

Nashville Philharmonic is always looking for new members, venues, supporters, and community outreach opportunities. If any of these sound like you, or you want to get involved but aren’t sure how, we’d love to hear from you!